Hidden files app for mac
Hidden files app for mac

hidden files app for mac

Hidden files can be accessed by taking a few additional steps which vary depending on the macOS version you’re running.


To conclude, Mac keeps a fair number of files and data away from you, and does so for a reason. Point being, it’s unadvised to tinker with any of the hidden data on your Mac unless you know exactly what you are coming after. While it may seem redundant at first glance, this file contains information about the current folder - folder icon, location of the window, etc. DS_Store file for example that you can find in pretty much every other folder. This reason being that most of the hidden files play a role in keeping macOS running properly. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, that Apple have decided to keep these files hidden for a reason. And while you may feel tempted to make your Mac cleaner, you have to be vary cautious of your actions. With hidden files revealed, you will immediately notice, that there are hundreds upon hundreds of normally invisible files scattered all over your system. Hold command(⌘)+option and drag Library folder to desktop to create a quick access alias. Hold Option/Alt key for Library to appear on the listĪlternatively, after running the Terminal command or using Shift+command(⌘)+.(dot) to reveal hidden files, locate the Library folder within your User folder.To quickly access the user Library folder:

hidden files app for mac

After all, this is the folder where your application support files and other user data are stored. Let’s face it, out of all the hidden files and folders on your Mac, the ~/Library folder is the one you’re likely to need access to the most. Maintain Quick Access to ~/Library folder Press Shift+command(⌘)+G to bring up Go to Folder window.Instead, to view any of them (lets take /var/folders/ folder for example), you can follow these steps:

hidden files app for mac

Once you figure out which of the hidden folders you plan on using regularly, there is no need to constantly hide and reveal them all in Finder. Take note of files and folders locations which you plan on using in the future. Use the following command instead: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE killall Finder (Change TRUE to FALSE and paste the command again to hide the files) Note: If the files don’t appear then you must be running OS X 10.8 and earlier.

  • To prevent files from showing up in normal list again, use this command: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean false killall Finder.
  • The first one reveals hidden files in Finder, while the second one reboots Finder for changes to take place.)
  • Paste the following commands: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true killall Finder.
  • Hit command(⌘)+spacebar to bring up Spotlight Search and lookup Terminal.
  • If you happen to run an older version of macOS that does not support the use of the keyboard shortcut, worry not! Here is what you got to do:
  • Hold down Shift+command(⌘)+.(dot) to revert it back and hide the folders again.
  • You will see hidden folders become visible.
  • Go to your Main Drive (Macintosh HD by default).
  • Mac hides access to hundreds of folders, and unless you already know the directory to a specific folder, you will have to display them all.įortunately for those of you running macOS Sierra or later, Apple has added a Finder keyboard shortcut that makes viewing hidden files a fair bit easier:


    How to Display Hidden Files Without Third-Party Apps Kidding aside, here are a couple of useful techniques that will help you get a hold of hidden files when you need them. Plus, the forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest. Nonetheless, from time to time you will find accessing some of this data useful. These files and folders contain user and system data that Apple doesn’t make easily available to prevent you from accidentally making changes or altogether removing them from your computer. Thousands of files on your Mac are not made visible by default.

    Hidden files app for mac